الأحد، 3 يونيو 2012

Acne Treatment

Acne Treatment

Self-Care at Home

  • Wash once or twice daily with soap and water to remove excess oil from the skin. An acne cleanser purchased over-the-counter in any drug store can also be helpful. Avoid scrubbing or using abrasives because this can actually irritate the skin and cause acne to worsen.

  • Over-the-counter acne medications can be used either at bedtime or during the day. Always follow the directions on any acne product. These products generally do not have any beneficial effects on inflammatory lesions, pimples, and are essentially used to prevent the development of new lesions. Therefore they should be applied to all of the skin in affected areas.

  • Many cover-up products are available without a prescription to improve the appearance of blemishes while they have a chance to heal. Most work well and should not worsen acne. If makeup is worn, it should be water-based, and the ingredients of the makeup should list water as a major component.

  • Some cosmetics and other skin-care products, however, can cause acne to worsen. Look for makeup, cosmetics, and skin-care products labeled with the word noncomedogenic. This means that it does not cause or worsen acne.

  • Recent, very preliminary, reports seem to associate cow's milk with more severe cases of acne.

  • It is of major importance that the patient with acne does not manipulate their lesions. Manipulation (pinching, squeezing, etc) of any type is almost uniformly going to result in worsening of any existing disease, potentially enhancing the chance for scarring and producing more long-lasting pimples.

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