Natural Acne Remedies
Safe and effective natural remedies for acne
(NaturalNews) Instead of opting for potentially harmful mainstream acne medications, try safe and effective natural remedies for acne problems. You may find your acne and associated problems such as redness and light scarring completely gone or greatly improved in as little as two weeks or less.
Before going to bed, bathe or shower and shampoo. Next, apply lemon juice over your face (this will itch for a minute or two).
Rub in a small amount of pure tea-tree oil. Then, apply a thick layer of aqueous cream to your face and leave on overnight, lying on your back if you must. Or, after about half an hour or so, rub the cream in.
Help this and other remedies along by eating three kiwifruit and about 3/4 cup of raw carrots daily.
Oatmeal, vinegar, raspberries, egg, sea salt
Pour some oatmeal into a small bowl. Mash up some raspberries and mix them with about a teaspoon of sea salt and the oatmeal. Add about two tablespoons of vinegar and one egg and mix with a spoon until it makes a pasty mix. Wash your face with an exfoliating scrub (such as apricot scrub) or exfoliate with a loofah. Steam your face and then apply the mixture thickly. Leave on for about 30 minutes or until the mixture is somewhat dry and starts to crumble off. Rinse with cold water.
Honey and cinnamon
Take three tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of cinnamon and make a paste. Put it on the affected area and apply it in circles. Leave it on while you sleep and wash it off in the morning
Lemon juice, H2O2, willow bark, aloe, echinacea and goldenseal
Mix in a bowl or container some lemon juice, a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, willow bark powder, echinacea and goldenseal. Mix together and use this solution as an astringent. Apply w/ cotton balls or tissue and leave it on your face to dry. Once it dries, put aloe vera on your skin. Do this twice daily after first washing your face.
Fresh basil leaves
Take a small handful of fresh basil leaves (available at most grocery stores). Let the leaves simmer in two cups of water for about 15 minutes and then put the mixture in the refrigerator to chill. Apply the mixture to troubled areas or your entire face with a cotton ball. Gets rid of acne and also helps with any existing scarring.
Egg white
Dab a little egg white on pimples and leave it on overnight or sometimes apply it all over your face or affected area. You'll likely notice results the next morning. Pimples/zits are reduced or gone, and your skin feels great.
Apple cider vinegar
Soak a cotton ball in cider vinegar and add salt to the cotton ball. Apply to infected area and hold there for as long as you can. This should instantly reduce the swelling. Works well for large cystic acne as well.
Other natural acne remedies include:
* Topical and oral colloidal silver.
* Orange peel pounded well with water.
* Turmeric facial mask.
* Cucumber leaves or grated pieces.
* Cucumber and water mixed in a blender
* Rubbing the acne with a fresh cut clove of garlic.
* Clove based face mask or a paste of fenugreek (methi) leaves.
* Zinc supplements or a multi-vitamin with zinc.
Note: A healthy diet and lifestyle, including stress management are also essential.
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Natural Acne Remedies
Lemon juice, tea-tree oil and aqueous creamBefore going to bed, bathe or shower and shampoo. Next, apply lemon juice over your face (this will itch for a minute or two).
Rub in a small amount of pure tea-tree oil. Then, apply a thick layer of aqueous cream to your face and leave on overnight, lying on your back if you must. Or, after about half an hour or so, rub the cream in.
Help this and other remedies along by eating three kiwifruit and about 3/4 cup of raw carrots daily.
Oatmeal, vinegar, raspberries, egg, sea salt
Pour some oatmeal into a small bowl. Mash up some raspberries and mix them with about a teaspoon of sea salt and the oatmeal. Add about two tablespoons of vinegar and one egg and mix with a spoon until it makes a pasty mix. Wash your face with an exfoliating scrub (such as apricot scrub) or exfoliate with a loofah. Steam your face and then apply the mixture thickly. Leave on for about 30 minutes or until the mixture is somewhat dry and starts to crumble off. Rinse with cold water.
Honey and cinnamon
Take three tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of cinnamon and make a paste. Put it on the affected area and apply it in circles. Leave it on while you sleep and wash it off in the morning
Lemon juice, H2O2, willow bark, aloe, echinacea and goldenseal
Mix in a bowl or container some lemon juice, a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, willow bark powder, echinacea and goldenseal. Mix together and use this solution as an astringent. Apply w/ cotton balls or tissue and leave it on your face to dry. Once it dries, put aloe vera on your skin. Do this twice daily after first washing your face.
Fresh basil leaves
Take a small handful of fresh basil leaves (available at most grocery stores). Let the leaves simmer in two cups of water for about 15 minutes and then put the mixture in the refrigerator to chill. Apply the mixture to troubled areas or your entire face with a cotton ball. Gets rid of acne and also helps with any existing scarring.
Egg white
Dab a little egg white on pimples and leave it on overnight or sometimes apply it all over your face or affected area. You'll likely notice results the next morning. Pimples/zits are reduced or gone, and your skin feels great.
Apple cider vinegar
Soak a cotton ball in cider vinegar and add salt to the cotton ball. Apply to infected area and hold there for as long as you can. This should instantly reduce the swelling. Works well for large cystic acne as well.
Other natural acne remedies include:
* Topical and oral colloidal silver.
* Orange peel pounded well with water.
* Turmeric facial mask.
* Cucumber leaves or grated pieces.
* Cucumber and water mixed in a blender
* Rubbing the acne with a fresh cut clove of garlic.
* Clove based face mask or a paste of fenugreek (methi) leaves.
* Zinc supplements or a multi-vitamin with zinc.
Note: A healthy diet and lifestyle, including stress management are also essential.
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